A shelter dog’s face lights up as he meets the meet of his life

A few years ago, Mack tragically lost his owner who passed away just before the holidays. Since then, those warm December moments for the poor dog have a much more bitter undertone. But this year, Santa Claus has prepared a big surprise for him.

Drawing : "A shelter dog's face lights up as he meets the meet of his life "

Mack, crusader Pitbull about 6 years old, put his paws down in the shelter United human societies (AHS) in New Jersey (UNITED STATES) 2021. His master died and no one could keep him. 2 years passed without anyone taking an interest in him, and then magic Christmas operated.

However, according to the volunteers at his shelter, the dog had everything to satisfy. Despite the tragic loss of its owner, a sudden change in the environment and the demolition of all its features, Mack showed great resilience.

Article illustration: A shelter dog's face lights up as he meets the meeting of his life

Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter / Facebook

He was unanimous in the kennel

He had an astonishing will to fight. His lovely personality touched the hearts of the staff, including that of Sandy Hickman, coordinator of the center. She confirmed yes Newsweek what to know Mackshe already loved him.

He had the ability to adapt and integrate with everyone, people and others alike: ” With a personality like that, we don’t understand why he was ignored for so long » said the spokesperson of the organization Facebook. Perhaps he lacked visibility, so he was transferred to another shelter to increase his chances of being adopted.

Article illustration: A shelter dog's face lights up as he meets the meeting of his life

Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter / Facebook

“Someone special noticed”

This strategy paid off because a woman became interested in him. The love was mutual: “ They get along like best friends who lost their relationship long ago » he testifiedAHS.

The lady visited him regularly until the decision: Mack he had to come back with her, it was obvious. On November 29, the dog returned to its forever home and is enjoying ” his best life “From. His wide smile in the photos can testify to that. This time, the end of the year celebration will be nothing but joy.

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