What if there was a perfect car to transport your pet?

When you travel with your dog or cat, the question of safe transportation arises. Cage, harness, basket… Each owner adapts to make the journey more pleasant for his fur ball. But a car could make their job a lot easier. Conceived several decades ago, it is the ideal car for pet owners.

Drawing : "What if there was a perfect car to transport your pet?"

In 2005, a well-known Japanese manufacturer Honda presented the model A beautiful wagon with an open heart (WOW) at the car fair in Tokyo. What made him stand out from the rest? In addition to being able to accommodate the whole family, it is designed to transport pets. Although it is still not on the market today, according to Engine 1its marketing may still be relevant.

Indeed, the minivan respects certain environmental requirements, because it is made of natural fibers and wood. Sustainable materials for the environment. It’s also ergonomic so our animal friends can get on board easily, but that’s not all it has to offer.

Article illustration: What if there was a perfect car to transport your pet?


Space integrated into passenger space

A removable compartment can be installed at the back, in front of the passenger seats. It replaces the traditional transport cage, providing greater comfort and stability. It can be removed to make room for two-legged passengers.

Another space is provided for animals at the level of the instrument panel. It looks like a small house that can accommodate a small dog or cat.

Some gray areas around the WOW model

Of course, this model is also designed to provide a comfortable driving and traveling experience for people. However, as far as the safety of quadrupeds on board is concerned, Honda did not provide any information, since it is a prototype.

Article illustration: What if there was a perfect car to transport your pet?


The concept remains interesting, however, especially in the current context. For most families, animals are full members of the household. More and more owners want to take their 4-legged friend with them when they travel.

Also Read: Lily’s Heartbreaking Farewell To Her Close Friend Butch (Video)

Article illustration: What if there was a perfect car to transport your pet?
